A Little Slice...

Friday, May 05, 2006

I did it!

I finally set up a slider at the top of my Blog! With a little help from Sean of course! But I got it!

SO anyway, today is Cinco de Mayo! It would have been my father's 62nd birthday! And tomorrow is my parents Anniversary. They would have been married for (I think) 35 years! I miss him a lot! But I know that my mom is missing him more...I can't believe it has been almost 6 years since he died....Sometimes it just seems so unreal, like he would be walking in the door any minute and other times I miss him so much my heart aches and then again at other times it seems as though he never existed! I know that is a harsh thing to say, but life has a way of making you forget! I NEVER want to forget, but life gets in the way! I miss you dad!


  • I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
    I can relate very well to the things you write about how life tends to force you into moving on, even though it sometimes feels like a betrayal...

    I saw that you want to be a professional photographer, and all I can say is: you already are. You may not have papers to prove it, but you definitely don't lack the skills!

    By Blogger Zarah, at 9:00 AM  

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