A Little Slice...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Kayaking and the Provo River

Yesterday Sean and I took the kids down to the Provo River to do a little Kayaking. The River was really calm except for a couple of spots. And I know the Kids had a ton of fun. We rented 2 Kayaks andSean had Kaylee in one and I had Corbin in the other. They were so good and Corbin barely moved from his spot for the entire 2 hours we were out there! I didn't get any pictures of us on the river because I was too scared to take the digital out of the waterproof case we got for it! Everytime I did get it somewhat out I had to get it in again because I had to paddle. But I did get some good shots of Sean and the kids before we got going! And I of course got a couple shots of the kids fast asleep in the back of the Jeep, running down the freeway at 65, with the top down! Funny stuff!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Weight Issue!

So I have been feeling completely disgusted with myself lately! Depression + Food = Fat Laura! I eat to feel better only to end up feeling worse! SO I have decided to do something about it! I am going on a diet and excersise regmine! And I thought to myself there has to be a way to motivate myself to lose this weight other than, "I will lose it by my next birthday!" So I came across this article on ABC News, Lose the Weight, or Wear the Bikini on TV. SO I have challenged myself (starting tomorrow cause it is already 10:45 pm here) to lose at least 15 lbs in 2 months or be seen on my blog wearing a bikini...Or something similar! And since I know I don't want to be seen as much as you all don't want to see me in a bikini, I know I will try hard! And since I am the one who manages my blog I am gonna give Sean the picture to post if I don't reach my goal! And since I know he thinks I am sexy anyway, I know he will post it!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

All about the 4th (on the 5th)

Yesterday was a good day! We went to the West Jordan Parade for about 30 minutes...The kids got bored really fast! Then we took Sean's new Jeep up American Fork Canyon and went to Tibble Resevoir. Then took the Alpine Loop back down the mountain. That's when it started to rain... I swear it was like October in July! The wind was blowing about 50 mph and the rain was coming down in Horizontal sheets! That is when things got rough with the kids. They had been in the car a bit too long and so were a bit (overwhelmingly) cranky. When we got home it was still too rainy to see any fireworks ands so Sean sent the Cranky kids to bed early. I guess its a good thing we set off fireworks on Sunday night huh?