A Little Slice...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Monday was FUN!!!

So Monday was my Birthday...And usually I like my birthday! But not this year! I was so depressed thinking about how my life isn't anything like I hoped it would be! And then something happened that made me rethink the whole depression thing! Kaylee decided to jump on her bed and fall off! SHE BROKE HER COLLAR BONE!!! I ended up in Urgent Care for about 3 hours getting her all fixed up! SHe loved getting an X-ray! No really she loved it! THe only thing that she wanted was to see her bones...But the Dr. never showed us her films. But anyway, I digress. The reason I was rethinking the whole depression thing was how well I handled this situation. I mean I was a real MOM! I was calm and soothing to my screaming 4 year old! I handled it quickly and decisively. I called my mom to get her to watch Corbin and then took her to the Dr. I couldn't have been more proud of the way I handled everything!

Of Course now I have to take her to an Orthopedic Doctor because of the way the bone broke! It broke right in half and it now looks like an upside down "V" So we have an appointment NEXT Thursday and both Sean and Myself think that that is way too long for her to be seen so I have to call back and see if I can get her in any sooner.... This is her wonderful sling she refuses to wear! Isn't it Cute!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Before I was a mom...

-I slept in til 10 am!
-I did what ever I wanted whenever I wanted.
-I only had to take care of myself.
-I could pick up and be out of the house in 5 minutes.

-I never knew my capacity for love was so immense.
-I didn't 'do' butterfly kisses, eskimoe kisses or Fairy kisses. Now I can't live without them.
-I thought that my life was complete. Was I ever WRONG!
-I don't remember a time when I didn't love you.

Monday, January 16, 2006

J4K Monday Challenge

Ok...SO I am going to start posting my challenges from Just 4 Keeps here and hopefully I can inspire some more scrappers out there!

So here is today's Inspiration piece:

Friday, January 06, 2006

What else is new...

SO what can I say... I am on a path to self-destruction! I have no path and it is killing me! Sean is trying to help, he really is. But, my life is crumbling around me and I feel like I am drowning and no one is reaching down to save me! I guess I need to learn to save myself! I really am trying! I have been going to the gym and it is giving me more energy to deal with my tornados I mean kids. But the mess! Oh the mess! I can hardly handle seeing my house looking the way it does and it overwhelms me! I get so frustrated I don't know where to start, so the mess builds and builds until I have a breakdown! I truly don't know what to do! It is the reason I don't want to get out of bed in the morning and the reason I feel like a slug for the better part of the day!

But I think I am reaching am epiphany! one day at a time, one room at a time! today I CLEANED my kitchen! I even MOPPED the floor...Something that hasn't been done in weeks! Tomorrow I will be working on the living room! The biggest disaster area of them all! I need to do something with that room! WE have lived here for over a year, our first house, and it still feels like we are living in an apartment! I think it has to do with the windows! There are no curtains on any of my windows and I think that would make a huge difference! Now how can I get my dear sweet Sean to realize that we need them?