A Little Slice...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"Kaylee tell me a story!"

Driving home tonight from Kaylee's Ice skating lesson, Corbin asked Kaylee to tell him a story. Mind you, Corbin is 2 and Kaylee is 4. Anyway, Kaylee begins...

"Once upon a time, there was a MONSTER. A Pizza monster, that only came out at night. And this Pizza monster likes to scare 'chilhen'(children). Then a Pillow monster comes and scares all the parents."

That was the end of her story to Corbin, but I thought it was so cute. Sean and I were laughing (quietly) in the front seat while all this was going on. I think Kaylee has camping on her mind because she is obsessedwith making "tents' out of blankets and telling ghost stories, at least her version of a ghost story!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I love this!

A friend at Just 4 keeps pointed this out to me...And it is Awesome! That's all I have to say about this!

Chris Dunmire's 10 Creativity Resolutions for a New Year

I will create because it helps give meaning to my life.
...and not because someone else tells me I should, or that if I don't I'm wasting talent that someone else wishes they had. I am in charge of the meaning-making in my life.

I will decide which creative outlet is right for me.
...and not choose an art discipline based on what's popular among my friends, family, or peers. I may have to try out and experiment with different art forms, writing styles, or craft mediums before deciding on which creative outlet is best for me.

I will explore and investigate areas related to my creative outlet/discipline that are relevant to my continued education, growth, and progress.
...It is up to me to decide where I want my expressions of creativity to lead me. If I want to learn a new technique, I shall seek training. If I want to take my creative passion to the marketplace, I shall seek out experienced advice on how and take the appropriate steps to do so. If I only want to doodle my art on greeting cards for friends and relatives and take it no further, that's my prerogative too.

I will not allow other people to discourage me.
...I cannot control how other people respond to or behave towards me or my expressions of creativity. It is up to me to determine the intent of any feedback I get (good or bad) and discern if criticism has merit. I will be open to constructive criticism and will learn to improve from it.

I will become my own best advocate.
...It is my responsibility to become my own best advocate in regards to my creative life. I do not have the right to place that responsibility on my friends, spouse, creativity coach, or anyone else. I am the primary source that propels my creativity wherever I wish it to lead me.

I will carve out regular "me" time to pursue my creative interests.
...and I will not feel guilty about doing so. I give extraordinary care to being a parent, spouse, friend, and employee, and I rightly deserve to invest time in myself for self-care, intellectual pursuits, and creative interests.

I will decide on my own short- and long-term goals related to my creative interests.
...and I will not waste time and energy comparing myself to others or trying to match their progress. My circumstances, ability, and energy levels are unique to my life — and I am the most qualified expert on "me." My planning, goal-making, and subsequent efforts towards them lie squarely on my shoulders.

If I fall short of meeting my goals, I will not beat myself up or berate myself for it.
...as long as I'm alive, I have the ability and strength to try again. My goals are not rigid and set in stone. I can adjust them at any time for any reason.

I will remember that "success is not a measure but a feeling," (1) and I will strive to feel success in any effort I make towards pursuing my creative interests and goals.
...every little bit of effort counts towards investing in my creative interests and moving towards my creative goals. Whether I spend three hours painting or writing, or simply ten minutes planning the next day's creative agenda, I have been successful. Small successes stitch together to form larger successes.

I will remember to enjoy the journey.
...being creative takes a lot of time and energy. My goals may dictate a lot of hard work, frustration, failures, and restarts. But I still choose to be creative because it gives meaning to my life. I expect highs and lows, and despite the latter, will remember as often as I can to enjoy the journey. I shall celebrate my creative freedom. •

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ok so I have been sick!

But today I have to write this down before I forget it! Last night while my family and I were sitting down watching our nightly Danny Phantom, Kaylee started this conversation...

Kaylee(who is 4 now): When I turn 14 I want a dog that doesn't eat cats. I want one that eats dog food!
Corbin(who is 2 now): But Kaylee, cats are dog food!

After this, Sean and I couldn't HELP but kill ourselves laughing! And you really can't get the whole effect, without seeing the face that Corbin made to excentuate the whole idea of Cats being Dog food! And the kicker is that Sean actually suggested that the next time Corbin made his 'discovery' face, that I needed to get a picture of it and scrapbook this particular memory! It amazes me sometimes how Sean can pretty much ignore (or mock as he has in the past) my obsessive habit, but when something like this happens he is right there on the scrapbooking band wagon!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well It's official! WE are getting old! Today is Sean's birthday and he doesn't want to do ANYTHING! Although we are getting Olive Garden to go (YUM!)

Kaylee is being a TERROR! I never knew one little 4 year old could cause so much Distruction! It is absolutly amazing!

I finished 2 books in the last week! The Secret Life of Bees and the 5 People you Meet in Heaven. Both are wonderful! I am so proud of myself! I have always been a reader but for the last couple of years I haven't been able to read very much and I have read more books this year than the last 4 years combined! YAY!

Monday, April 03, 2006


Oh my! I can't believe how much I missed my little girl! We went to Indiana on the 10th of March for Nikki's Baby shower, and Left on the 20th...Kaylee has been there, with Grandma to herself, for 2 weeks now! Of course after the initial hugging and kissing (for about 30 minutes), we were right back to fighting! This time about how she had to have her own toothpaste to brush her teeth! So after she finally said please I dug through the 2 huge duffle bags she ended up bringing home and found 'her' toothpaste! But I am so glad she is home...I missed her!