A Little Slice...

Friday, May 26, 2006

I really need to post everyday...

So I have a bunch of things to share today... My sister, Christen and I went to go see The DaVinci Code on Tuesday. WOW what a great movie! This was the first "adult type" movie I have seen in the theater since the Dukes of Hazard last year! Let's see, what else... I think that Corbin has an ear infection. He started screaming when I took his shirt off and was holding his ear. When I looked in it it was filled with wax. Both kids are suceptable to ear infections so I am going to call Kids Care tomorrow and see if I can get him an appointment.

Sean came with us today to see Kate (Kaylee's therapist over at the Children's Center.) He had been suggesting that the kids go to Indiana for the entire summer (instead of just August) to help me "get back on track." But she assured him that that would be a bad idea. (something I had been telling him everytime he brought it up) But she put it into words a little better. If we send the kids away for 3 whole months at this period in both thier lives than the bonding that should be going on will be replaced with a sense of abandonment. Not only that but it would rip out my heart! I may be going through some depression issues, but I still love my kids and never want them to feel as though I abandoned them.

This post is getting a bit lengthy and highly personal so I am ending it with this... Go hug your kids right now!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

More sickness

Well Corbin has basically slept for the last 2 days! He has been running a fever and coughing and has a runny nose! Poor Baby! But that has left me with ample time to scrap! I have completed 3 layouts in the last 2 days! Amazing since I usually only get about 2 done a week! Here is my latest one...
This photo was taken in February when Kaylee and Corbin decided to play with Daddy's shoepolish (that Daddy forgot to put away) and got it all over their faces. Well it took a Magic Sponge to get it off of their skin. Corbin was so taken with the sponge that he studied it for about 5 minutes. SO I had to get a photo of the expression on his face!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

This is just too funny!

On another note, Sean has decided to try a new form of punishment with Kaylee. He taught her how to do sit ups today and is now using those instead of a time out! Yes I have a Marine husband! But she is just too funny watching her do them! But if given the choice of either doing sit ups and having a time out, she would choose sit ups!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Everyone (except me) has been sick!!! First it was Kaylee, then Corbin and now Sean is coming down with it! If I get it it will be worse than anyone else because thats just how it is! I always get sicker than the whole family put together! But my poor Corbin though! So far it has hit him the worst! he has thrown up every day for the last 4 days! If he doesn't get better by tomorrow I am calling the doctor! He has actually slept all day today (which is a good thing because he hadn't slept at all last night!) I hope this goes away soon!

Friday, May 05, 2006

I did it!

I finally set up a slider at the top of my Blog! With a little help from Sean of course! But I got it!

SO anyway, today is Cinco de Mayo! It would have been my father's 62nd birthday! And tomorrow is my parents Anniversary. They would have been married for (I think) 35 years! I miss him a lot! But I know that my mom is missing him more...I can't believe it has been almost 6 years since he died....Sometimes it just seems so unreal, like he would be walking in the door any minute and other times I miss him so much my heart aches and then again at other times it seems as though he never existed! I know that is a harsh thing to say, but life has a way of making you forget! I NEVER want to forget, but life gets in the way! I miss you dad!