A Little Slice...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Ok, so Kaylee has been off track since monday...(Did I mention I HATE track/year-round schools?) So I decided to put her in an off track program at the local rec center...Great idea I know! She gets to run around and work off some energy, have lunch and go swimming EVERYDAY! so the issue I am having is when she is in school, I get almost 3 hours of uninterrupted mommy me time... Now I have to take Corbin to Preschool at 8:45, take Kaylee to her program at 10:15, pick up Corbin at 12:00 and then pick Kaylee up at 2:30! I am in the car all day long! I can't sit down to scrap because by the time inspiration hits, its time to get in the car again! I can't wait til school starts up again...

Oh and on another note... I have some super exciting news coming soon! so stay tuned!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ok...so I have an issue!

So recently, I have been perusing the scrapping forums...And I have to vent. I know that scrapping is all about the photographs, but what makes the mwc (moms with cameras) think that they can be pro photographers. I was reading a post, written by a mwc, asking for advice for being the photographer at a relatives wedding. She really has no idea what she is doing, and it is making life hard on the pro photographers. I am a professional photographer. I have gone to school to learn my craft. I have been perfecting it for years. And now I have to compete with people who are trying to become professional on a whim... They bring down the quality of work and expectations of customers. If you really want to become a pro photographer. If making images is the first thing you think of when you wake up, then go to school. Become an assistant. Do something to make your dream a reality other than trying to do something you are obviously NOT qualified to do!

Ok rant over!

Friday, August 10, 2007

OK...so now what?

Ok, so I have totally gotten into Digital Scrapping. The only problem... It's way too easy to spend money! OMG! I can't seem to control myself! A little bit here and a little bit there...It really adds up! I need to go on a spending diet!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

1st day blues!

So this morning I get up early, made breakfast and then Lunch, Got the kids up and had them eat and take baths and then the worst thing happened. I took Kaylee to her 1st day of Kindergarten. Ok so its not the worst thing that could have happened, but I cried like a mom watching her baby take giant leaps into being all grown up! I took lots of photos, but as soon as the Kindergarteners were lining up to go inside, Kaylee took off! I didn't even get a hug and a kiss! They started walking towards the classroom and as soon as she was out of sight the tears started flowing!
After I stopped crying, I took Corbin to his 1st day back at preschool! I don't think I'll be able to handle his 1st day of kindergarten next year! But the kids are gone and the house is quiet again...at least for a couple of hours. Now to will myself to get some stuff done before I have to go pick them up.