A Little Slice...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

J4K Blog Challenge

What what your nickname as a child? Who gave it to? Does it still stick??

I had a few nicknames as a kid... The most obvious one is Lauri. My mom still calls me that. I also had Dimples, because , well, I have dimples. (of course some are artificial! Our dog bit me across the face when I was three.) Then there was Candy. I guess that one needs a little explination since my last name is now Lively. My maiden name is Kane...Get it now Candy Kane? I hated it when I was little but I actually used it as a nickname in HS. Of course now I am just Laura or mom and that is alright with me.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Freakin cute is this photo?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Some Photoshop fun!

Here is a photo that I took on Saturday at Thanksgiving Point. It was originally a color shot taken with my digital SLR. In Photoshop I used the channel mixer to make it look like B&W Infrared film and then I used Virtual Photographer to add a soft filter to it.

So anyway today was a lazy day! Kaylee was sick so I kept her home from school so we didn't get out today. Which gave me time to catch up on laundry and clean up the living room...FUN! But she is feeling better so she is definately going tomorrow! Tomorrow is her last day of regular pre-school and they are having a water party and she would never forgive me if she missed it! She loves the water!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday, Bloody Sunday!

Or something like that! So this week has been really hard! First of all Kaylee decided to cut her own hair on Monday! So I had to take her in to Fantastic Sam's and have it evened out. I think that I had the girl take like 2 inches off her length.

I think she actually wanted to get her hair cut and that is why she did it. And she has also been getting sick so I think that is why she has been such a BEAR this week.

I think that Sean noticed that I needed a break, so he took us to Thanksgiving Point yesterday to see the Gardens. Which were beautiful by the way.

Then last night he set up the tent in the back yard and we had a camp out. He built a fire in the fire pit and we roasted marshmallows. Of course, Kaylee wet her sleeping bag so she and Sean went inside at around 3 am and Corbin and I actually spent the night out in the tent! (And, Oh, I just really like this long exposure of Corbin in front of the fire)

And this has to be a record of the most pictures uploaded to my blog at one time!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Blog Challenge June 23rd

Happy Friday Everyone! I was thinking that something quick and fun was on the boards today. Who wants to work hard on Friday..KWIM?? What is your favorite hobby..other than scrapping???

Well I think that this is a no brainer. It would have to be Photography. Although I hope to one day make it a profession instead of just a hobby. I am in fact in the works of opening up my own studio. I don't just wanna take the same ole kiddie portraits you can get done at Penney's or KiddieKandids etc... I want to do Fine Art black and white custom prints. Where I can go into the darkroom and play! I miss playing in the darkroom! It was funny, just the other day I was at my chiropractors office and she does her own x-rays. Well she also developes them there too and the smell of the chemicals was like ambrosia to my nose! I was transported through time when I would spend litterally 5-7 hours a day in the dark room perfecting my prints.
I have been (secretly...But not really) been brushing up on my lighting skills and I hope to talk Sean into letting me get a studio lighting kit. I broke out my Mamiya RZ and although I haven't used it in over a year, It's really like riding a bike...You never really forget, you just need a refresher. So right now I am trying to line up some models to do some location shots to build up my portfolio. Then I am gonna take my business plan and my portfolio to a bank and see if I can get a loan. I am really trying hard to make this dream a reality!

Friday, June 16, 2006

It's way too soon!

So yesterday Kaylee, while driving home from Ice skating, informed me that she has a "crush" on Darren and Daxton! Darren is I think in her pre-school class, although she insists he lives in Hawaii. And Daxton is the little boy that ice skates with her. I asked her is she even knows what "crush" means and she told me that it was a way to say that you are in love with someone! HOW DOES SHE KNOW THIS STUFF! I mean she is not even 5 yet! Hello!!!! Don't I get a few more years with my beautifully naive little girl? Geesh! If she is this lovey now how is life gonna be when she is 16? I think she just may kill me!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

My Baby!

Corbin, my baby, will be the big 3 years old tomorrow! I still can't believe how big he is already! It seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant with him! Oh how time flies... So this year we are not doing anything big like we did for his 2nd birthday. We are just gonna have cake and ice cream with Family and a few presents. This photo was taken yesterday at sunset. He loved to watch the sunset behind the clouds and mountain. I love his expression here!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ice Skating!

Well I took the kids to Ice skating lessons tonight. This was Kaylee's second session, but this was Corbin's first time on the ice! First of all I noticed right away that he was pidgeon toed. He kept tripping over his own feet. Then when he finally got on the ice he spent most of the time on his butt! But he was just too cute! He kept trying to get up but just couldn't quite get it. So after a half hour he was done. (The lessons are an hour). Kaylee on the other hand was all over the ice. She was doing so good! Even though she did end up on her butt a bit too! She went over to play with her "boyfriend" Who is in a higher level than she is. And a year older! And then he came over and played with her. It was just too cute... *Note to self* Watch out for him! All in all it was a great time for all!

J4K Blog challenge 6-6-06

Todays blog challenge is to remember and share where you were when 9-11 happened.

This day didn't affect me like any other person. I mean I watched it unfold before me just like everyone else, except for one big HUGe difference. I was in labor with my daughter Kaylee. We were supposed to have gone in for an induction at 5 am that morning, meanwhile I was already in minor labor. But when I called to see if they had any open beds, they told me to call back at 11 am. So I went back to sleep. The next thing I remember was Sean waking me up and turning on the TV in our bedroom. That is when the second plane hit. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. So I called the hospital and asked if I would be getting in that day (we thought they might be shutting the hospital down for non-emergencies) But eventually did get in there at around 4:30 pm. So the rest of the day I watched this horrific sight from the comfort of a hospital bed. With the pit running and my labor pains getting worse, all I could think about was I wish that my Daughter would not be born on this now infamous day! Thank God that she wasn't she was born the next afternoon at 1:45 pm. Yes, a 22 hour labor will change your perspective on alot of things. In fact I can hardly remember the actual events today. All I really remember is that my beautiful Kaylee was born the day after.