A Little Slice...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Today my baby girl is 6!

Yesterday I posted about 9-11 and how it was such a different experience for me. Today my little girl turns 6. I can't believe that she is growing up so fast! we are not celebrating tonight... She is having a birthday party on Saturday. But we may go to Ikea to get her a new loft bed for her birthday.

She is just so excited to be 6 today!

So Tonight is Corbin's 2nd Soccer game. I hope he wants to play this time! On Saturday, he just wanted to sit on the sidelines and watch!...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

remembering 9-11

Today is a day that has a completely different meaning for me than any other person. Sean and I were living with my parents in San Diego, CA. Sean had just gotten out of the Marine Corps. He was stationed at Camp Pendleton. I was also VERY pregnant with our first child.

I was scheduled to go in for an induction on Tuesday September 11, 2001. We had woken up early on that day, around 4 am, and waited to call the hospital to see if they had any beds available. I had decided to go back to sleep since I was having mild labor pains already. All I remember is Sean coming into our room and turning on the TV. The first plane had just hit the first tower and all I could think about was there must have been an accident. The black smoke was rising from the top of the building and everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Then the second plane hit the other tower about 15 minutes later. This wasn't an accident. We were under attack. The FAA grounds all flights, but there were still two planes missing. An hour after the attack started the pentagon was attacked.

All day we sat at home, calling the hospital every hour to see if we could get a bed, watching the towers. First it was just smoke. Then an hour and 15 minutes after the first plane hit, the south tower collapsed. Five minutes later the fourth plane crashes in a Pennsylvania field and the Pentagon collapses. Then the north tower collapsed 15 minutes after that.

All of this happened while I was slowly going into labor. Finally, at 5:00 pm, I was admitted to the hospital. The Pitocin was started and I was thrust into labor. The TV was on in my room and we were following the story for the rest of the night.

I didn't want the Dr. to stop the Pitocin that night, so I was in heavy labor all night. I was the only one who didn't get to sleep. The next morning, the anesthesiologist came at 8 am and I was only 3 cm dialated. As soon as he put in the epidural, I dialated to 10 in less than an hour. I started pushing at 10:30.

Kaylee was one stubborn baby. I pushed for 3 hours before she made her appearance. After an episiotomy, and vacuum help, She was born on September 12, 2001 at 1:45 pm. That is all I can really remember about September 11th 2001. The fact that I was working hard to bring my baby girl into the world.

As you can see, September 11th has a completely different meaning to me than most people. And I want to remember it that way. In the midst of this tragedy, a blessing was born.

I am so Grateful for the men and women serving in the US military. I am after all married to a US Marine.

Friday, September 07, 2007

And she strikes again!

Hurricane Kaylee that is!

This morning before I got up, The kids got into the 'candy cabinet'. I keep a couple of bags of mini candy for when they are being good. I woke up and found the cabinet open and I KNEW what had happened. Kaylee RAN to her room and slammed the door. I opened it, but she tried to stop me from going in. There were empty candy wrappers all over her bed and floor.

"No momma, Corbin got them down!" Is all she had to say for herself! I know from experience that Corbin is a follower and NOT a leader. He would never have gotten them down by himself. So needless to say, that was their breakfast.

I seriously need to put child locks on all my UPPER cabinets. I thought I was done with this, but apparently at 6 and 4 they can't be trusted to stay out of the cabinets that they KNOW they need to get mommy for.

Oh well!

On to other non kid related stuff.

I just downloaded the September Songbird Avenue kit! It is AMAZING! And it is for such a great cause. I love that the designers in the digital community can come together and create a gorgeous kit for charity. It warms my heart.

Here is a preview of the kit: (clickable)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


So how much do you think my kids will go for on ebay???? I know that it is illegal/against the 'rules' of ebay, but seriously, how much! Right now they have been banished to Kaylee's room to play and I can hear that it is not gonna stay friendly for very long....oops look at that I just went in and seperated them.

So after picking Corbin up from Preschool, we came home and both kids rushed to the bathroom. I thought 'ok, they will be out in a bit.' But after 5 minutes of silence, I knew there was something wrong.... I called to them to come out. They came right away, which in my house is a sign they they have been into something they shouldn't have.

All of a sudden I can't breathe. And something hits me like a cloud of sweet smelling baby... Can you guess what they did??? I bet you can't... I walk into my bathroom, MY bathroom, and the appearence of my master bath has changed. It no longer has navy blue mats. It no longer has a light blue floor. It no longer has any color WHATSOEVER! It has been covered in a very thick layer of lavender baby powder! It was all over the place. In the bathtub, in the shower, on all of my shower supplies! EVERYWHERE! I Can't even clean it. Every time I try to, I get hit with a puff of that obscene smelling, very fine powder.

That stuff that we all thought was great when our babies were first born and we would sprinkle on their cute little tushies. And then we would put them down in their crib and they would drift away to dreamland. Where we would watch them sleeping peacefully and think... Now this is heaven.

Well I got an overload of heaven stinking up my bathroom right now and I wanna puke!